Friday, August 29, 2008

Citati iz filmova

Danas baš nešto razmišljam o sjajnim citatima iz filmova, pa reko da navedem nekoliko svojih omiljenih, bez naročitog redoslijeda:
"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum!" - They Live
"Stand back, son, this calls for divine intervention! I kick arse for the Lord!" - Braindead
"Your mother ate my dog!"
"Not all of it!"
- Braindead
"Gimme some sugar, baby!"
"I've got news for you pal: you ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town!"
"Hail to the King, baby!"
"You found me beautiful once..."
"Honey, you got real ugly!"
"Shop smart - shop at S-Mart! You got that?"
- Army of Darkness
"Ray, this is Walter!"
"I've never seen that. I've never seen anyone drive their garbage out in the middle of the night and bang the hell out of it with a stick, I've never seen that."
"I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal!"
"Raaaay... how nice of you to invite our new neighbours over for barbecue!"
"Nobody knocks off an old man in my neighborhood and gets away with it!"
"I'm trying to cut back!"
- The 'burbs
"I'll swallow your soul!"
"Swallow this!"
- Evil Dead II
"Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?"
"Joey, have you ever been to a Turkish prison?"
"Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?"
"We have clearance, Clarence."
"Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?"
"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking."
"Surely you can't be serious!"
"I am serious. And don't call me Shirley!"
"No, thank you, I take it black... like my men."
- Airplane!
"You'll never get away with this, Habsburg... whatever it is!"
- Naked Gun 2 1/2
Bah, ovo je beskorisno! Ima ih toliko mnogo da je nemoguće sve popisati. A još nisam ni počeo da citiram Ostina Pauersa...


Milosh said...

hehehe... i to su samo funny ones, a izostavio si recimo i Quick Change, i tu ih ima sjajnih. meni omiljeni quote, od onih ozbiljinijih, je iz Seven, sa samog kraja filma kad detektiv Somerset kaze: "Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part."

Harvester said...

Eh, da, ja sam ovde i planirao da navedem najprije smijesne citate. Naravno, zbog ogromnog interesovanja bice i onih ozbiljnijih :-)

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